Wednesday, February 18, 2009


One of the best, most proven ways to generate and keep wealth flowing into your life is to tithe(pronounced TIE). This means that, in order to 'prime the pump' as the master Lanello dubs it, to get the flow of supply, going in your life, you need to give back to God 10% of everything you earn or receive, and in turn, return it back to him by donating the funds to your favorite church or charity. 

When you give 10%, which really belongs to him, he'll multiply it TEN TIMES and return it back to you as a blessing. 

Secondly, you should always tithe first, THEN, pay your bills. 

Lastly, don't just take my word for it, but give it a TRY(theos/God's+rule+in You); you'll be pleasantly amazed at what you'll manifest....I've done it for many years now and never lack of funds b/c money just comes out from the most unexpected sources...for more info, visit www.IAMALCHEMY.ORG. Peace of Christ to you all.....Tommy